Montreal Sauce

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Chris & Paul are joined by Alan Henry to chat about former lives, science, college radio, and Alan’s journey on the way to writing for Lifehacker. Writing articles on his own blogs, Gears and Widgets and The Classy Geek, eventually led to someone saying, “Hey Alan, you should write for us and we’ll pay you!” Alan put together the science guidelines at Lifehacker. How I Work is a useful series on Lifehacker to learn some excellent tips from people in different fields. You can even learn more about Alan and how he works. An old blog of Chris’ with very bad jpegs about Canadian internet shopping. Alan suggested NCIX for Canadian internet shoppers. Win for Canuck listeners! Chris thought he was going to stay in a Radisson Hotel, not the town of Radisson. (It looked much scarier in the dark of 1am.) Alan is now experimenting with Zipcar and Car2Go services. Edmonton finally has a car sharing service, Pogo. Alan loves the DC circulator bus. Spaces or no Spaces? Headphone roll