Montreal Sauce

The Centre for Digital Media



As they used to say in the days of radio, this week we’re on a live remote from The Centre for Digital Media in Vancouver. We chat with the students about the unique program and school. These talented individuals share their experience in the amazing Master program, their ridiculously cool projects and future aspirations. Listening to the altruistic men & women in this Master’s program will give you hope for the future. We’re joined by Arushi Nagar, Gandhar Tannu and Armin Mortazavi. More information on this digital media graduate program is available here. The MDM at the CDM is made possible through a partnership with The University of British Columbia (UBC), Simon Fraser University (SFU), Emily Carr University of Art + Design (ECUAD) and the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Gandhar briefly describes the courses & semesters. Gandhar also shares that the school encourages entrepreneurship so students can pitch their own projects to real world investors like on Drag