Montreal Sauce

Which Tech Giant Do You Trust Less?



This week Chris wanted to talk about privacy so he and Paul invited Jacob Cook the father of arkOS to talk about the importance of confidentiality and better ways to protect yourself online. Subtle Reminder: We have a chat channel on the freenode IRC network you can join during live shows on Thursday nights to interact with us. Or jump in on other days and maybe you run into Chris or Paul. Look for #montrealsauce on freenode or hit the live page on our site. We discuss the spotted history of online payments where Elon Musk’s Paypal was the only choice. Paul & Jacob prefer using stripe when they are developing. Edward Snowden has exposed a number of things about government data collection. The truth is that they cannot provide one case where mass surveillance has stopped an actual terrorist act. Last Week Tonight has an excellnt video on the subject. It’s NSFW. Jacob’s arkOS has a number of ways for you to host your own data. Jacob tells us there are great alternatives out there for ev