Montreal Sauce

More Special, Less Privacy



Jacob Cook from arkOS is with the guys for part 2 of the discussion on privacy. Jacob says we should trust the investigation techniques we’ve used for years rather than collect everyone’s data. Meanwhile, Paul has a great metaphor for online privacy, the front door of your home. We mentioned it in the show notes for the last episode, but we talked about the Last Weeek Tonight video on Edward Snowden in this part. (NSFW) Jacob recommends Citizenfour, the Oscar winning documentary about the Snowden leak while Chris is not as impressed. Watch it on iTunes. Chris recommends The Internet’s Own Boy which you can also watch on iTunes. Trusting websites and companies with our data online is one thing. We also have to trust our friends with whom we share. You send them pictures & information all the time. They could get hacked or use gmail and your data is at risk. Diaspora is a social network that is decentralized. GNUSocial is another decentralized social network. Chris asks Jacob about Indie