Montreal Sauce

I Bluff All The Time



Paul & Chris sit down and chat about central vacuum and avocados! What more could you want from a host-full show? Well, surprise guest Tina pops in to talk delicious cookies & not-so delicious undercooked cheeseburgers. Chris is excited for the next episode with author Marty Chan. A last minute shot in the dark, Chris attempted to get Adam Dachis from Supercharched as this episode’s guest. However, he’s hoping to schedule Adam and Darren Herczeg for a future Film Frown. Paul asks about Chris’ latest writing gig, Lost Highway. Chris was also lucky enough to have an article posted on the arkOS blog. Glen Fleishman’s The New Disruptors is an excellent podcast. In particular, they discuss the episode featuring Nicole Dieker where she talked briefly about working for CrowdSource. Discussing the terror of possibly offending a movie star hero during your bad movie podcast. Here’s the show in question. Here’s a recap. Panasonic, why you no have Ernie Reyes Jr. kick your T