Montreal Sauce

Ceremonial Ace Of Base



It’s part deux with Taryn Arnold from Patreon! As the conversation continues from the last show they discuss educational videos, the art of interviewing, Ace of Base, Tamagotchi, and bad accents. Paul works with the creator of Graphtreon, a tool to track the progress of creators on Patreon. Taryn says it is a fav around the office. Taryn loves so many things on Patreon. She mentions Crash Course, In a Nutshell, and How To Adult shows. We review Taryn’s test Patreon page. California is great! Well, except for the Earthquakes. Taryn is not a fan of those. San Andreas is real, yo! Montreal Sauce is no This American Life, but we do enjoy a good story. I like juice, the progenitor podcast. Chris asks a loaded question, “Please tell me you are playing Neko Atsume?” Now you miss your Tamagotchi, don’t you? Time to do a reno? You need Holmes on Homes. QUIZ TIME! Let’s learn about Sweden! The Swedish Chef makes poutine in Montreal. It’s The Final Countdown so take a Jo