Montreal Sauce

Jonesing for a Treadmill



Visual artists never fail to inspire, but we went all the way to Antwerp to talk to Midge Sinnaeve. Fine… technically we Skyped Midge. Though we’d love to go there! Especially after talking to him. We talk VR, books, 3D scanning, cycling in tunnels, scifi and SyFy. Part one of our conversation is here. Midge share’s his projects and work on his site, He likes to call this open source artwork. Our guest told us his open source artwork was inspired by an open source demo reel he saw once. Midge says many architecture visualization artists are using Unreal Engine to create building renders. Everyone agrees that augmented reality is far superior to virtual reality. Chris recently wrote about that. They briefly talk Ingress & Pokémon Go by Niantic Labs. Speaking of VR, Midge has used the Oculus and the HTC Vive. Why can’t VR gear look as comfortable as Johnny Mnemonic. Chris recommends Ready Player One to Midge. In turn, Midge suggests the The Expanse book series, wh