That Paleo Show

TPS 207: Adventuring on the Paleo diet



This week Brett interviews Heather Kelly from about how to go on adventures on The Paleo Diet. Heather is an adventurer from way back having been born right by the National Parks in Alaska and so when she converted to a Paleo diet she quickly realised she was going to have to create some healthy (lightweight) food for her to take with her. Her answer was to create her own dehydrated meals which became such a hit that her friends “triple dog dared” her to make it into her own product range. She took up the challenge and the rest is history. She shares with us her best tips to making your very own dehydrated snacks and meals for adventuring in this fascinating episode. p.s. if you are interested in finding out more details and being the first to have access to the VERY limited tickets for the That Paleo Show Kokoda trek in July this year, then register your interest by signing up for the email list here The post TPS 207: Adventuring on the Paleo diet appeared firs