That Paleo Show

TPS 220: ‘Normal’ depression and weight gain with Kim Hart



This week Brett interviews Naturopath Kim Hart about her journey from overweight and depressed to healthy and vibrant using a ketogenic primal approach. Kim talks about how her ‘normal’ lifestyle combined with her families belief around health, food and genetics led her to an unhappy place and how a series of Naturopaths helped her get her life back on track and inspired her to become a Naturopath herself. She talks about her own unique very low carb approach to eating, what that looks like and why that is working for her. So tune in for another very informative episode of That Paleo Show that I know many of you will relate to. LIVE EVENT ALERT Exceptional Life Blueprint LIVE – Marcus Pearce’s TWO day transformational event is coming to Melbourne for the VERY first time and you’re invited! Join Marcus and a tribe of like-minded souls at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre on June 3 and 4. You’ll transform EVERY area of your life from Mediocre To Magnificent and create a blueprint for your Life Pu