Audio Drama Reviews

What We're Listening To (WWLT #001)



The maiden voyage! This past week (May 29-June 5), I binged season one of The Orphans from the Nerdy Show Network and two episodes of King Falls AM (two episodes isn't "binging" but you get the idea). This week, the season two finale of The Bright Sessions. There's a lot of hype and #feels revolving around episode 24. Will it be the third audio drama to make me cry? Tune in next week to find out!Also possible spoilers for the Orphans first season. I don't know. What is a spoiler anyway? Probably should've led with that. Whoops.Stats courtesy of Breaker. Their stats may be off, but I enjoy the social aspect and personal listening stats of their podcast app for iOS... or maybe I just didn't include an episode of a show. My guess is Starlight Radio Dreams or another King Falls AM episode. #NotASponsor.Links