Athlete Minded: Stories

What's it like to skip your prom to practice your dancing? Former ballerina Jacqui Somen tells us



I was really excited when Jacqui Somen agreed to a podcast.  The reason is that she was a professional ballerina, having treated dance with the same intensity that I treated basketball throughout my life. One of the most interesting things about this episode is how she also missed events for dancing, even her prom, because she was so dedicated to dance.   Jacqui dives deep into the psychology of a dancer, wanting to work well with the troupe but also realizing that there is competition for roles.  She also discusses the inevitable transition athletes face, from being "the dancer" to being "the person".  I'll never forget the day I quit basketball, where I had the liberty to do what I wanted without a coach screaming at me to run more or to get to practice on time. Jacqui is now focusing on healthy food, fitness, and wellness, and her website is  She can be found on Twitter with @jacquisomen