Athlete Minded: Stories

Race and Athletes in America - Dr. Scott Brooks - Part 2/2



University of Missouri Sociology professor Dr. Scott Brooks joins us today to discuss race and athletes in America.   After hearing his story, it's interesting to hear what happened with the Missouri football players a few months ago when they protested, and how the president of Missouri stepped down the next day.  I'm not saying Dr. Brooks encouraged or even told them it'd be a good idea, but after this discussion I can see where they started to use their minds instead of just, as he labels it, "athletic identity that keeps them in a bubble."   This is so true, because for every athlete, they have a simple life, and a life that is dictated to them by the coaches.  They aren't encouraged to think for themselves or look around at what is happening.  But when they did look around, and realized they had immense power, a handful of them said they would not play until things changed.  Immediately the president resigned. We not only talk about this, but his journey in Philadelphia writing his book, "Black Men Can't