Athlete Minded: Stories

Father's Day Episode with Andy Hartnett



"Stage 4 cancer is nothing to mess with" -Andy Hartnett In the Father's Day Special Episode, we talk to my dad, Andy Hartnett. Andy was a "sports goon" growing up and talks about his experiences playing and coaching sports. Most recently he talks about his injuries from a bike accident and dealing with Stage 4 cancer. Unfortunately, my voice was lost during this episode, but we pushed through it and made it happen. And it was even more special since it was an in-person podcast as Andy came to New York City to celebrate Father's Day. What's tough about the trouble Andy is going through is how focused he's been on his eating and health his whole life. He always ate well and took it seriously, and now he is dealing with cancer (which he terms Big Nasty) and chemotherapy, which forces him to be even more vigilant about his health. Andy is passionate about healthy eating, the environment, and many more potent issues which you can find on his Huffington Post blog. You can also follow him on Twitter at @ajhartnett.