Work Smart Hypnosis | Hypnosis Training And Outstanding Business Success

WSH388 - Coming Soon from Jason Linett



As business owners, it’s important for us to continue finding ways to improve ourselves, our offerings, and our brand overall. Even when things seem to be going well, there’s always room for improvement. Whether those improvements come in the form of professional development or something much larger like rebranding your business to align with new goals and a new mission, making tweaks, changes, and pivots are part of the entrepreneurial journey. This week, I share some of the exciting new changes that are taking place inside my hypnosis business. I discuss what you can expect from version 3.0 of my Work Smart Hypnosis website, including a new blog feature and fully transcribed podcast episodes. I also explain how my business focus shifted in unexpected and unintended ways and how paying attention to what my clients were requesting has helped me shift my business focus to serve them better.  “Even as things are at their best, that is the opportunity to put a whole new fresh coat of paint on something and make