Vintage Sand

Vintage Sand Episode 41: Gala Premieres--Our Favorite First Films by Great Directors



Team Vintage Sand returns to the airwaves with our October episode, a neat bookend to Episode 31 wherein we explored our favorite final films by great directors. Here we present Episode 41--Gala Premieres: Our Favorite First Films by Great Directors. To begin, we decided to establish some parameters to spare you, our tenacious audience, any pointless discussion.. The first is that we tried to avoid directors about whom we have already discoursed at great length in these pages. The second, what we termed the Julie Dash Rule, is that we would only focus on first films by directors who went on to long and predominantly successful careers in feature films. That’s why you won’t find movies like "Boys Don’t Cry"(Kim Pierce), "One False Move" (Carl Franklin), "Beasts of the Southern Wild" (Benh Zeitlin) or one-hit-wonders like Laughton’s "Night of the Hunter" or Loden’s "Wanda" here. Plus, we already did a full episode on one-hit wonders—that would be Episode 10. (The fact that the brilliant Dash has only been able