Rebel Guru Radio

Episode 72 - Meditation Mastery



In this episode of Rebel Guru Radio, Eric discusses the incredible spiritual and psychic experiences that are possible as we continue to meditate with the Higher Balance Foundation Meditation. He also discusses the release of the legendary Audio Upgrades, which consists of 9 audio tracks designed to awaken dormant psychic sensory and advance your spiritual growth by 10 or even 20 years!Episode Bullet PointsEric's Philosophy on "Want for Nothing, Gain Everything".What is Non-Thought or "no monkey mind"?Meditation tips that no one else talks about.Why meditation solves life problems.Info about the Higher Balance Audio Upgrades.The various levels of meditation and what it can offer.Is there more to meditation than just relaxation?To get information about the Audio Upgrades, please call or email us!Want to get started with Higher Balance, but don't know where to start?Get the Foundation Meditation on sale, here: video comes from our monthly podcast, Rebel Guru