Rebel Guru Radio

S2 Episode 7 - Thought Reflection



This latest series is a compendium of conversations with Eric, recordings that span over a 20 year period. Before the days of smartphones, friends and students maintained a tradition of recording Eric when he would start teaching.Notice: Material was done in a natural environment, passionately, unrehearsed, and unscripted. Audio recordings may include occasional pets, people talking, and adult language. If you are seeking the real deal, you’ve found it.Have you ever wondered why you think the way that you do? What are the real reasons behind your thoughts and the thoughts of others? In Thought Reflection, Eric reveals the hidden connection between your own thoughts and the collective consciousness of the planet. Although they seem to originate in your consciousness, maybe your thoughts are not actually yours! As you begin to contemplate the knowledge contained in Thought Reflection, you will expand your mind to new levels of awareness. No stone will be left unturned as Eric takes you deeper into your own mind