Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 129: HEART REVOLUTION LEADERS AND PASTORS DAY - November 22, 2022. Byron Bay



As believers, how can we sustain pouring our lives out over the long haul? The only answer of course, is through an intimate and connected relationship with the Lord where He fills us up with fresh revelation and encounters as sons and daughters on a daily level! Without this ongoing empowerment we can slip into performance culture and even burnout - especially as leaders and pastors who somehow miss their own needs in the rush and business of life!  Our sonship identity is everything, and causes us to be secure, not grappling for significance from what we do, but from who we are.  In our livestream today, we are discussing how as leaders we need to be equipped to lead in an emotionally healthy way. Our vision must be to to create healthy culture and healthy teams, where our connection to the Father is vital and our connection to our hearts is equally important too! Heart Revolution is all about bringing the Father back into the picture by creating culture that puts these values first. He can help us develop