Wedding Reality Check With Sandy Malone

Why Wedding Etiquette Remains Relevant



  For many brides, their wedding is the first time they’ve hosted a party of any size, and it’s a fantastic learning opportunity. In a day and age where most of us don’t go to finishing school to learn proper manners, the wedding is frequently the first time couples encounter many of these etiquette challenges. However, some brides feel that all wedding etiquette is outdated, and say it doesn’t apply to them. Sandy says brides may not realize that wedding etiquette goes both ways, and if you’re not going to be bothered with the niceties and effort that basic wedding etiquette requires, you should expect your guests to return the favor.   Sandy Malone Weddings & Events Weddings in Vieques Listen via iHeart Twitter: @SandyMalone_ Facebook Sandy Malone and Sandy Malone Weddings & Events Instagram: SandyMaloneWeddings