Southpaws Podcast

Episode 526 - Musk Bucks



No matter when we recorded this episode it'll always have gotten dumber when it releases. Thanks Musky. This week, PoGo punching, Musky huskies own twitter, voice actors needing to be paid more gets the worst spokesperson, and a real journalist touches on a wild story of 'antis'. It's been a wild couple of weeks, huh? Southpaws is creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon LINKS Father, son convicted in Pokémon Go brawl that ended in Kirkwood Park lake ( Welcome to hell, Elon - The Verge Robert Evans (The Only Robert Evans) on Twitter: "in the story below a parent talks about her her teen daughter was groomed by an adult to go on an "anti pedophile" crusade, attempting to hound other kids into suicide for "shipping" fictional characters with a three year age gap" / Twitter Link to archive of Reddit post that sparked the 'anti' discussion - I got a phone call from my daughter's school and my life has turned upside down. : Advice ( Ben Rosen on Twitter: "Welcome to