Get Real About Business Podcast

Interview with Successful Mortgage Adviser, Tony Baker



What's the difference between a mortgage advisor that's constantly scratching around wondering where the next client is coming from and another who has a stream of clients so thick he can barely keep up with the demand? It turns out, while there are differences, those differences are fairly small. It's not about the size of your marketing budget (although of course, it helps). It's about doing a few things really, really well and really, really consistently. On today's episode, I interview my client and friend, Tony Baker from Chambers Financial Services. One of the interesting things about Tony is that he built his business on two things - networking events and phone calls. No social media. No big buck marketing campaigns. Just picking up the phone and meeting people. For the links mentioned in this episode, together with crib notes on how Tony keeps himself booked solid, head over to the show notes page.