

One of the most potent and respected skills you can own is the ability to make a decision. Having a clear mind is essential. This means using your emotions is not something most people would recommend. However, since you're going to use your emotions anyway, you may as well harness the power of your heart. If you're like most people, your most important and fun decisions have been very emotional. Whether to get married, move to a new home, or buy a new car, emotions are always the first step in decision-making. But, sometimes, you choose to approach your decision-making from a logical point of view. The logical side of your brain kicks, and you dig deeper. You check off all the boxes and do your due diligence—waiting for a clear answer to appear. Whether it's emotion or logic, both aim to find approval, go forward, or disapprove and turn away. But black and white rarely make for a good life. In 300 B.C., Stoic Philosophy first brought to mind that decision-making follows a simple formula; emotions + logic