Who Killed Theresa?

The Model - The Murder of Marie-Josée Saint-Antoine Part I - #29 WKT6



Today's story has elements of what I'm currently writing about: the puzzle of celebrity, excess and indulgence, the lure of centers of power like Montreal and New York City. It has a Life in the Fast Lane quality to it, with shades of Looking for Mr. Goodbar and The Eyes of Laura Mars. This is the murder of Marie-Josée Saint-Antoine, a Montreal fashion model who was stabbed repeatedly in her Gramercy Park apartment in 1982 after an evening of disco dancing in a New York club. A lot has been said about this case, most of it recently. People may say, "Oh that case, we know all about that, why you wanna do that case?" Well it's an investigation with a very long trajectory - 40 years - and initially, there was a lot of speculation and rumor that wasn't very helpful. Marie-Josée's reputation got caught up in that speculation - innuendo and suspicions about the world of fashion and modeling. www.theresaallore.com