Dinner Conversations With Mark Lowry And Andrew Greer Video Podcast

Nothing But The Truth ft. Matthew West



Matthew West is known for writing and recording number hit song after hit song after hit song. And though he had written truth-telling songs for years, he had yet to own up to the truth that though he was playing the role of a "professional Christian" he had yet to accept his true identity as a child of God. Hear Matthew's honest conversations plus a couple of his songs acoustic exclusively on this episode of Dinner Conversations! Don't miss a single episode of Dinner Conversations–subscribe below!  Subscribe on iTunes Subscribe on YouTube Get your Dinner Conversations music, DVDs and swag at Dinner-Conversations.com.   Sponsors Help our friends at Food for the Hungry save thousands of lives in Ethiopia today by considering a generous gift ... a gift that will be matched 22-times! Your one-time gift will make an eternal difference. And remember, for every dollar you give we have some personalized gifts to give you as our way of saying thank you! Give here: http://fh.org/dinner.   Follow us Website: dinner-con