Worst Gig Ever With Geoff Garlock And Mike Pace

Eleanor Friedberger (The Fiery Furnances)



It's a "Misty Mt. Mombaccus Hop" when the very talented, very funny Eleanor Friedberger drops in with a baker's dozen of fantastic bad gigs.  From playing festivals with the Fiery Furnances at 10:20am to smashing bottles over the head of the singer of Jet to violent "European-style" diarrhea attacks to "that time of the month" happening onstage, Eleanor lets it all hang hilariously out.  We also talk of sibling rivalry and how her music has brought her parents back together, as well as her thoughts on what it would be like to play rhythm guitar for the Black Crowes.  There's definitely a "remedy" for the winter blues on this week's WORST GIG EVER!