Real Food Mamas Podcast

#281: How Are You, Really? Living Your Truth with Jenna Kutcher



Steph interviews Jenna Kutcher about cultivating a life that’s in alignment with your passion and values. Jenna is the powerhouse mama behind the New York Times best-seller "How Are You, Really?".  She’s also the host of the top-rated podcast, Goal Digger, a digital marketing expert, self-education mastermind, book-writing, data-obsessed algorithm avenger, detail-loving self-care activist, stubborn-as-heck achiever and individualist, small town puppy parent, frequent flier, margarita mixologist, and official pancake-flipper for her happy fam of four.  In this episode, they talk about the power of moving AWAY from the “hustle harder” mentality; how to parent from a place of childlike joy and presence vs resentment, body image after baby, career shifts after baby, and important lessons motherhood can teach you. Cozy up with a warm drink and join two Midwest gals in a share all, honest conversation about what it means to prioritize yourself as a mom and bravely step into your biggest, scariest dreams! Topics Dis