Director's Club

Episode 205: Allan Moyle (feat. Justin Decloux)



What an episode in so many ways that it’s hard to know where to begin in even writing an introduction. The first ten minutes are mostly about me remembering a friend and film critic near and dear to many of us along with promoting and supporting an upcoming film festival as well. I hope you won’t skip over the beginning since it would mean a lot if you listened to the tribute about someone very important to my life and to the lives of many. There will be more words and a separate write-up on that to come. Of course the bulk of this episode surrounds the work of a filmmaker that also means a lot to me personally: Allan Moyle - a name I’m sure you know by now due to how many times I’ve mentioned the film PUMP UP THE VOLUME on this podcast. But what about his other work as well? My guests today are recurring co-host and Supporting Characters host Bill Ackerman and a delightful and accomplished newcomer, co-host of The Important Cinema Club Podcast, Justin Decloux.  All three of us have a lot to say about differ