Entertain The Geeky

Exiting the Dungeon



The day after the events of the Dungeon Crawl for the Cure, we were able to set down with the event organizer, Shawn White and his friend/volunteer Ashley, and we begin to dissect this massive undertaking. Covering everything beginning to put the event together to the last minute decisions that helped shape the success of this amazing charity. We do take some time to go over "the final battle" and the crawl itself. Shawn discusses improvements that others had suggested and his excitement to implement them in future crawls. You also get to hear about asking a bank for 160 gold pieces and how they respond. This leads to the conversation of currency and the weight of a two dollar bill. We had an amazing time with our guests. To learn about how to donate to upcoming Dungeon Crawl for the Cure events go to dungeoncrawlforthecure.com if you want to reach out to Shawn White, you can email him at support@dc4cure.com. If you enjoy the ETG podcast and want to help us to continue to create content, you can donate to our