The Travelers

214: Sharing a Love for Thailand with Christophe Cappon



“We think we know the plan, right? But the plan always tends to change on us. I had no idea. But I knew that something needed to change. I grew up in the city as a teenager. I always had this intrinsic feeling that at some point I wanted to get out and to see the world. I didn’t know how that was going to happen. But there was this golden thread that was consistent. It was maybe a little buried. There were doubts and there were fears. There were other pressures, that were like ‘Stay in Toronto!’ ‘Be like everyone else!’ but hey. Sometimes you just need to go with your gut.” - Christophe Cappon Christophe Cappon is a Canadian who’s uprooted his life to move to Chiang Mai, Thailand, where he founded Thailand Yoga Holidays — an atypical yoga school that integrates the surroundings of Northern Thailand — it’s life, it’s food, and culture - into a series of retreats. Christophe's decision to move to Chiang Mai was not an easy one and was quickly followed by a bout of Dengue Fever. Through this struggle, which he d