Unscrupled! Alias

1x08&09 Time Will Tell/Mea Culpa



Sydney's looks for this epsiode: http://tinyurl.com/j7hsaao I believe the drag queens maybe built a time machine, set fire to that green dress, murdered and dismembered the costume designer, and taken over, because Sydney looks SO much better this time! Francie thinks she's in a multi-cam sitcom, Will thinks he's on an Aaron Sorkin drama- and Sydney thinks she's James Bond . . . all are wrong. As were viewers- there's some Indiana Jones level shit going on now. Just picture Indiana Jones wearing heels and we're here.   Anna is back, and Bitches is drooling for at least one orifice because of that. It ends up getting Dixon shot, though, so maybe Sydney was right all along about trying to read him into the situation. Will looks like an asshole in front of his boss (and he is) but he finds something very suspicious in Eloise Kurtz's car.   Also, Sydney is the worst friend ever. Why do Francie and Will hang out with her? Sloane suspects she may be the mole, but executes an odd bluff to call her on it. Luckily Jac