Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

Ceceila Britton - Body-Mind-Spirit Connection



Cecelia Britton was reared as the eldest of eight children in a military family that moved around the world. So, she was exposed to multiple cultures and learned to adapt quickly. She began her spiritual search when still a teenager after reading books by Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, Arthur Ford, and James Monroe. Even as her dreams attempted to scare her away from seeking more spiritual knowledge she persevered by attending an A.R.E. retreat based on Edgar Cayce’s material as presented in the Search for God material which Cecelia then used as her foundation. Cecelia became a massage therapist during a time when being a massage therapist was considered disreputable. This was a time period before there were schools to teach one how to be a massage therapist. Instead, she apprenticed under a gifted teacher that worked in an MD’s clinic. Cecelia was a pioneer in Texas helping to educate the public, and have laws passed to legitimatize massage as therapeutic and non-sexual. Through those years, all manner