Ktn: Sharon Lynne Wyeth

KTN: Page Olson - Success Manifesto



Page Olson - Growing up Page felt unhappy and misunderstood in the formal classroom setting. While she loved to learn, the way things were taught created a difficult learning environment for her. Therefore, when she had her children the # 1 interest was to seek to understand them through asking, Why, questions. Both of her children are very different, with different temperments, and to some extent different interests. Page never thought of seeking happy children, what she sought were children who were engaged I pursuing things that interested them. The results were engaged happy children. She has since helped numerous other families sharing how to support and facilitate their children’s journeys of self-discovery and their individual paths towards finding their own interests and strengths. Along the way Page discovered her own strength lie in being able to pick up cues from the children to know who they are at a deeper level. Today Page is a sought after keynote speaker and a mentor to many parents. She co