An Irishman Abroad

Irishman Running Abroad - Sonia Answer The Most Googled Running Questions In The World!



Sometimes Google doesn't have the answer. Sometimes you need to ask the actual expert herself. Sonia O'Sullivan goes down through the most commonly asked running questions on Google and gives her best answer to each of them based on her decades of experience racing and coaching the best in business. Covering everything from muscle soreness to safety, Ireland's best does not disappoint with this masterclass in the questions that all runners ask. There's also a round up of the weekend's London marathon and a big announcement of two meet up runs that you can attend this weekend in Ireland. Yes that's right, you can run with Sonia twice this weekend.  — If you’d like to contact me, that is easy too. You know what to do! 1. Irishman Abroad Live Line: You can now get in touch with us and feature on our shows by sending your WhatsApp voice note to 00447543122330. 2. Email Jar, Sonia and Marion directly on For updates on future episodes and live shows follow Jar here on Twitter, visit