Honor The Feminine Podcast

Ep 73 ~ Samjhana Moon ~ Your Inner Seasons



Visit www.honorthefeminine.com Samjhana is a visionary photographer and natural cycles mentor who empowers women to connect with their cyclical nature and discover their true radiant self. She guides you to align yourself with the seasons of your menstrual cycle, to manifest with the moon phases, and to explore the archetypes of the feminine - so you can reach your fullest potential. Over the past 8 years Samjhana has guided hundreds to say yes to their true radiance, allowing them to see themselves anew on an insightful photographic journey in nature. Her ability to see a person’s soul and capture their unique beauty on camera has helped many women transition from self-critical to self-confident, and supported them along their personal, professional and spiritual path. Samjhana is devoted to sisterhood and offering an alternative lens that challenges the media’s distorted projection of beauty and releasing the taboo around menstruation. She is founder of Goddess Portraiture and co-creator of the World’s firs