In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G

Treating Peyronie’s Disease with Ultrasound



Doing a self-examination often can help you to detect Peyronie’s disease as well as other concerns (like testicular cancer). The earlier you can detect Peyronie’s, the easier it is to treat it as a soft tissue injury. Take one minute while in the shower to: Check your balls for lumps, bumps, and changes in shape Check your penis for any bending/curvatures, rotation, or hard or calcified skin Dr. Jo Milios is a Titled Clinical Researcher and Men’s Health Physiotherapist (MACP) who has a special interest in Prostate Cancer.  Dr. Jo has presented the research findings from her PhD at many international conferences including the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT), Asia-Pacific Prostate Cancer Conferences (APCC),  Australian (APA) & American Physiotherapy Association’s (APTA). We cover topics like: Why Peyronie's is commonly thought to be caused by penile injury or a buckling effect, yet only ~10% of men recall an incident Connection between Pyronie’s and treatment for prostate cancer or other p