Purple Dinosaur Podcast

Episode 184 | March 30, 2020: Uhhhhh...



The world feels vastly different from when we last recorded an episode of your favorite Colorado Rockies podcast, and to be honest, we're not really sure what we're doing, much like the rest of society. But we're here to try to distract you for an hour-plus and maybe bring a smile to your face here or there.This week on the show, we welcome Rockies fan and punk legend Jon Snodgrass for a lengthy and wide-ranging conversation. Plus Anthony and Tyler try to make sense of where we are as a civilization which, of course, is asinine because they're two dopes who willingly chose to devote like seven years of their lives in part to a podcast about the Colorado Rockies.All that and more on this week's episode of the Purple Dinosaur Podcast. WASH YOUR GODDAMNED HANDS AND MAINTAIN APPROPRIATE SOCIAL DISTANCING.