Dare To Dream Bigger

How To Make Change Last? My Secret 3-Step Strategy [DTDB027]



Do you ever wish you knew how to make change last – and how to avoid the most common mistake that makes change nearly impossible? I’m curious: Do you ever find yourself avoiding making changes in your life, perhaps because you’re not sure how to get them to stick? Have you ever tried to change a habit, but failed? You wish you knew how to make change last? You’re in great company! The past 14 years of mentoring passionate World-Changers have shown me that there is one critical factor that makes all the difference between people who make change stick, and those who don’t. And to empower my Clients to create life-long change, there is a simple 3-step strategy I use, which makes change near-inevitable. All of this – and more – is yours in today’s podcast episode: [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-027.mp3" ] [blank_space height='1em'] [blank_space height='1em'] [blank_space height='2em'] [page_section color='#613c6b' textstyle='light' position='de