Dare To Dream Bigger

Is Your Self-Talk Causing You To Secretly Self Sabotage? [DTDB031]



Is your self-talk causing you to subconsciously self sabotage your dreams? It's something I see so often with my Mentoring Clients, my Mastermind Members, and even with myself. In this week's Dare To Dream Bigger dcdcast episode, I spill the beans on how to spot whether you're subconsciously falling into the self sabotage trap, how to press 'pause' on that runaway train, and a surprisingly simple, yet effective, process for turning things around: [blank_space height='1em'] [smart_track_player url="https://episodes.castos.com/clarejosa/daretodreambigger-episode-031.mp3" tweet_text="Is your self-talk causing you to secretly self-sabotage?" hashtag="entrepreneur" twitter_username="clare_josa" ]     [page_section color='#613c6b' textstyle='light' position='default' padding_bottom='22px' padding_top='22px'] Tweetable: The biggest glass ceilings we come up against are those we carefully create ourselves. Click To Tweet This [/page_section] [blank_space height='2em'] [divider style='full'] Here's