Dare To Dream Bigger

Are You Looking In All The Wrong Places For Your Life’s Purpose? Interview With Nancy Marmolejo And Clare Josa [DTDB032]



One of the biggest blocks to stepping up to make the difference you're here to make in the world is feeling out-of-synch with your life's purpose. Indeed, I have lost count of the number of social media laments I have read, over the years, where people are still frantically searching for their life's purpose, and the years fly by. I'm going to be talking about this quite a lot over the coming months, but I wanted to kick things off with a fabulous interview that I got to do with Nancy Marmolejo, founder of Talent and Genius, as part of the Dare To Dream Bigger handbook expert series. You can read Nancy's insights on page 58 of your handbook. And this week's podcast is the full interview. In it, Nancy explains why connecting with your Inner Genius is so essential, if you want to make a difference in the world, and she spills the beans on her personal journey. She shares with you some priceless how-to on lining up with your unique skills and voice, and you even get to find out about my little-known party tric