Nion Radio With Nick Onken

218: 11 Tools for Entrepreneurs



“How we feel, move, and be in life directly affects our business.” - Nick Onken In this episode, I offer up a list of the best business tools for entrepreneurs that I have learned over the past few years. Listen in as I explain how our mindset affects our business. I share the morning routine that I have cultivated to set myself up for success each day. I also talk about when it makes sense to hire a consultant for your business, when you should outsource work, and how to optimize your business networking skills. You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And please leave me a Rating and Review! “When you dive into yourself to develop and evolve as a human your business will grow with that.” - Nick Onken Some things we learn in this podcast: Nick tools for entrepreneurs [0:01] How does mindset affect business [1:07] Personal development tips for business [1:25] Nick’s morning routine [2:39] Moving your body to clear your mind [4:17] Should you hire a consultant for your bu