Vibrant Living Network

Beyond Life-Shock



Beyond Life-ShockAired Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM ESTJoin us on Vibrant Living as we delve into Beyond Life-Shock. Discover how to use crisis as a catalyst for vibrancy, wonder and renewal. On today’s program we are going to explore how in the midst of chaos, we can use what is happening as a pivot point. Learn how each of us has the opportunity to use moments of crisis as a place to begin a new life and embrace a new world so that our harmony, well-being and immune response can deepen.We want to welcome to our team, Dr. Stacy Feiner, who will share with us insights on how to utilize disruption and shock as the beginning of harmony. We will learn how to begin to shape our lives and embrace those around us in a way that not only to get us through crisis but as a doorway to begin a new life.Joining us will be Dr. Gayle Randall who will be talking about our Vibrant Immune response and how to use what is happening now as a spiritual opportunity to discover a new life that has always been a