Lighting The Void

Spirit Communication With Host Elizabeth Anglin



Elizabeth has spent much of her life involved in exploring the line between intuitive and critical scientific thinking. Raised by a science educator with psychic abilities and an agnostic, her understanding of spirit and consciousness is derived from experience, not belief. Elizabeth researched Transpersonal Psychology through the Center for Psychology and Social Change, now the John E. Mack Institute and became peer mentor for people undergoing extreme spiritual emergencies. An award-winning writer as a teenager, she recently published a full length memoir, "Experience: Memoirs of an Abducted Childhood" (available on the first in a series of three regarding her paranormal life experiences. Her next book "Inquiry: Memoirs of an Abduction Research Subject" is expected in Winter 2017. Searching for a way to heal herself from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after a traumatic childhood and young adulthood of intensive research, Elizabeth learned Reiki and quickly began to heal. She became a Reiki Master