Lighting The Void

The Elements Of Spellcrafting With Jason Miller



Jason Miller has devoted 25 years to studying practical Magick as well as The Sorcerer’s Secret, Sex Sorcery and Spirit, and Financial Sorcery. He also runs the Strategic Sorcery Training Course, Take Back Your Mind Program, and The Sorcery of Hekate Training. He lives with his wife and children in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Tonight we discuss real magick. The magic of spellcasting. With all the spells out there in books and on the web today it’s hard to know if any of them actually work. Can we get results, not just results but results that truly matter? Can it change our lives for the better and the lives of our loved ones for the better? Jason’s new book The Elements Of Spellcasting answers these questions.This book according to Jason provides the most effective and efficient ways to get things done with magic. If you have cast a spell that didn’t work. Do you want to know how spellcasting works and how to do it effectively, or if your just curious about the nature of magick spells then listen closely as