Real Food Mamas Podcast

#277: Elana’s Birth Story: Welcoming Baby #3



Dr. Elana shares her birth story with baby #3! Adena Mae recently joined the Roumell family and her arrival has been a beautiful, healing experience. Dr. Elana walks us through her journey including how the last few months of her pregnancy went, what happened as she approached her “guess date”, and her magical birth story. Elana shares how she worked with practitioners on both physical and mental resilience, allowing her to experience labor and delivery with less attachment to the outcome. This episode provides powerful tools you can use on your journey to and through motherhood. Even if your family is complete, her story is a heartwarming one to listen to and celebrate along with her. Topics Discussed: The three mental tools Elana used to prepare for Adena’s birth How to surrender instead of control How a therapist can be part of your birth team Elana’s birth story How Elana is processing her story Show Notes:  Click here to learn more about Dr. Elana Roumell’s Doctor Mom Membership, a membership designed