Unspoiled! A Song Of Ice And Fire

Unspoiled 26 Game of Thrones Chapter 25 (Eddard)



Trust no one! Intruige, conspiracy, honeyed milk! They're all going down smooth in Kings Landing. Who killed Jon Arryn? The Queen? The Grand Maester? Littlefinger? Bad clams? We play our own version of Clue. Brendan makes wild guesses, tries to sing the x-files theme song, and gives his top three murder suspects. Natasha relishes in his foolishness. We also address some wider questions-- Is this a good book? is it trashy? Is George RR Martin a good writer? Is it even fair to reveiw a book chapter by chapter? Answers, to only a few of those questions, and some silliness await you in this ep of UNSPOILED!