Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

Lynne McTaggart / THE POWER OF EIGHT 03/07/18



BIG MIRACLES happen in SMALL groups.In fact, extensive research shows the altruistic ("other-focused") power of intention within small circles is a fast track to the miraculous” AND, the less one is focused on self, the more powerful the mirror healing effects for the intender.Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT Show guest, award-winning journalist Lynne McTaggart - author of THE POWER OF EIGHT: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life and the World, as well as bestsellers The Intention Experiment and The Field - has spent 10 years studying these Power of Eight groups, and says she is continually "amazed by their extraordinary healing power."Lynne set out to test whether group intention works with major Intention Experiments and these Power of Eight groups - and discovered that the participants - the "intenders" - as well as the targets of the intentions, were getting healed."I’ve studied them and I’ve concluded that they are a combination of the power of intention, the power of a