Mentors At Your Benchside

How Phenol Extraction of DNA Works



#25 — Phenol extraction of DNA is a commonly used method for removing proteins from nucleic acids; for example, to remove proteins from cell lysate during genomic DNA preparation. It's commonly used, but not well understood. Listen to this episode to get a quick explanation of how phenol extraction of DNA works. Visit the original article to see handy diagrams on how phenol extraction works. [1] To get more help and advice on DNA extraction, read our related articles and discover how chloroform can clean up your phenol extractions, [2] learn how ethanol precipitation works, [3] and decide if ethanol or isopropanol is best for precipitating your samples. [4] Resources: 1. The Basics: How Phenol Extraction of DNA Works. Available at: 2. Practical Application of Phenol-Chloroform Extraction. Available at: 3. Ethanol Precipitation of DNA and RNA: How it Work