Hardy Bucks #2

"Did you ever get the feeeeeeel?" - It's a Dave McSavage Garden #22



This episode we talk to Irish comedy champion Dave McSavage and have a tinkle with his brain box. Dave is most noted for his razor sharp satirising all aspects of Irish life. He's incredibly perceptive and manages to beautifully bottle the essence of nuance we find in the cross section of society. He's a natural born piss taker, sharing with us the origins of craftsmanship. Disclaimer: - My mic had audio some fidelity issues in places. In other words.... It's a bit shit in places. I'm not a tech whizz, but sure look at, you're probably getting used to it by now. Sure stick up the volume and you'll be grand. Throw me a few lids up on Patreon if you like what a mawn does! https://www.patreon.com/Hardybucks