Tk In The Am

TKAM #959 Oscars More Black? #MondayMotivation



Did you miss the Oscars last night? Don’t worry, we got the recap and the conversation you’ll want to hear. There’s your morning awards talk, and then there’s us. #MotivationMondayWe start out the show in some health news. TK is turning the leaf and going to back to the gym, doing actual Zumba, and shouting out (without naming) her gym.In #NewsYouCanUse:Queen Latifah gives back to her community by investing in affordable housing in Newark.R. Kelly arrested in Chicago and failing to make bail. Kim Jung Un impersonator deported from Vietnam prior to American and North Korean Summit. Along with the news, we give you the recap of the Oscars that matters. This was the year of diversity. We might not be fans of Green Book winning, we’re out here for the rest and all the others. During #ChatroomCheckIn we go through your motivations and ask you one important reminder: Let go of dead weight and take yourself where you need to go. #MotivationMonday@TKinTheAM is live every M-W-F 10-1130am EST on and t