Joomla Beat Podcast | Web Design, Development, Online Marketing, Social Media & Website Management

Ep21 - Joomle Extension Directory News, SEO Tips 3: Metadata



I talk about three major news items about Joomla's extension directory including the introduction of an app store, the new terms of service for using the Joomla extension directory and also the announcement of the rebuild of the directory.This episode I also have a look at the J and Beyond conference and the winners of the J.O.S.C.A.R awards this year across the different categories. I also do a quick review of content version control for Joomla and have a good look at how it works.Lastly I have part 2 of my search engine optimisation tips for Joomla and this SEO tip I look at metadata for your Joomla content and making sure it is done right and effectively on your website.